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Equality, Diversity, Inclusion

WHO CARES? Researchers with kids-discussion group (2019)

How to meet the demands of an academic career and a healthy family life

child's drawing of a face

New meeting in 2022: See teaserbox on the side

Please join us twice a year for an exciting exchange with your peers and a diverse group of professors on how to meet the high-level demands of an academic career and a healthy family life. We aim to learn from each other and to collect concrete best practice examples for typical and frequently arising questions from parents in academia.

Download: Best Practices

You can download the best practices that result from all our previous meetings.

WHO CARES-Best Practices (english)

WHO CARES-Best Practices (deutsch)

A meeting was held in 2019

In 2019 there was one meeting in 25 October.

Why this group?

An academic career is challenging for anyone, and is filled with uncertainty and a lot of work. Starting and managing a family during these intense years, that require great devotion of time and energy to plan, conduct and publish your research, makes the situation for young scientists even more challenging.


We aim to learn from each other and to collect concrete best practice examples for typical and frequently arising questions from parents in academia, such as:

  • Who stays home when a child gets ill?
  • How to manage important academic and private appointments?
  • How to manage attending conferences abroad?
  • Given the scarcity of female role models - how to cope with pressure and potentially negative comments from family, friends and others?

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