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Gender Equality and Diversity


What Does LGBTIQ Stand For?

The acronym LGBTIQ stands for Lesbian, Gay, Bi, Trans, Inter and Queer. There are many other variants of the acronym, some of which include signs such as * or + to allow for other forms of diversity and identification.

People who identify as LGBTIQ make up part of every community – including the UZH community.

Further information on gender identity and sexual orientation can be found in the explanatory film Geschlechtliche und sexuelle Vielfalt (in German only), which was produced as part of the Interventionen für Vielfalt (intervention for diversity) project.

Information and Advisory Services

The Office for Gender Equality and Diversity is open to all members of the UZH community for general information and advice on matters related to gender identity and sexual orientation.

In this regard, we offer two types of services: personal advisory services and process consulting.

Personal Advisory Services

We support all members of the UZH community in cases of suspected discrimination based on sexual orientation or gender identity. We provide information about UZH regulations and policies, help with coming-out processes, and offer support for difficult discussions. 

For personal advisory services, please contact Tanja Neve-Seyfarth.

Process Consulting

We advise and support departments/institutes, offices and faculties that wish to foster a work and study environment that is welcoming to people who identify as LGBTIQ. For instance, we can contribute inputs (e.g. in courses or team meetings) and provide workshops on raising LGBTIQ awareness and developing appropriate measures. We also coordinate contact with other advisory services as required.

For process consulting services, please contact Tanja Neve-Seyfarth.

LGBTIQ Network for employees

In March 2024 UZH started an LGBTIQ+ Network for UZH employees. The network is set up for UZH community members to get to know each other, occasionally meet in an informal atmosphere, and exchange experiences.

If you would like to join the network, please send an email to Prof. Evgeny Petrov (he/him)/ Department of Business Administration:

In case of any further questions regarding the network don’t hesitate to get in touch with Tanja Neve-Seyfarth (sie/ihr), Office for Gender Equality and Diversity:

We are looking forward to many new members, non-LGBTIQ+ friends and supporters are also very welcome!

UZH Policies

In working to fulfill the terms of its mandate, the Office for Gender Equality and Diversity is guided by a key maxim of the Gender Policy Code of Conduct (PDF, 269 KB) (PDF, 216 KB): “Nobody may suffer negative consequences due to their sex, gender identity or gender transition.” It is further committed to the UZH Diversity Policy (PDF, 439 KB) (PDF, 442 KB) and its maxim of “Living Diversity: UZH staff and students treat each other with esteem, respect and open-mindedness regardless of age, disability, gender, gender identity, origin, religion, sexual orientation, social or occupational position, or language.”

Current Regulations and Guidelines on Transidentity and Intersexuality

Transgender and intersex students may apply to the Student Administration Office to record a first name and gender that differ to those detailed on their government ID documents. More information is available at Personal Details  and in the Admissions Regulations (§ 6: Gender Identity and § 44 Amendments to Final Records).

Transgender and intersex staff may apply to Human Resources to have their first initials used in place of their first name.

More comprehensive information

For more comprehensive information please got to the German website: LGBTIQ.

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foto tanja neve-seyfarth


Tanja Neve-Seyfarth

Project Manager: Academic Career Development / Life Balance / LGBTIQ

Office for Gender Equality and Diversity


Phone +41 44 634 22 19