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Equality, Diversity, Inclusion

Further information


swissuniversities, P-7 Equal opportunity and university development 2017-2020

UZH Leadership and Management Principles


Brage Tomas and Lövkrona Inger (eds.) Core values work in academia – with experiences from Lund University. Media Tryck, Lund University, 2016.

Leemann / Dubach / Boes 2010

She figures – Gender in research and innovation

Evaluation des Teilprogramms “Chancengleichheit von Frau und Mann an den Universitäten“, SUK P-4

Best Practices

Academic Leadership Programme for Women, University of Hamburg, Germany

AKKA programme, Lund University, Sweden

AURORA, Advance HE, UK

AURORA international, Advance HE, UK

Center for Leadership and People Management, LMU, Germany

Führungsseminar für Frauen, FHNW, Switzerland

Gendered Innovations, Stanford University, USA

Leadership Developing Programs, University of Utha, USA

Leadership Matters – a programme for senior women in HE, Advance HE, UK

JGU-Leadership, Universität Mainz, Germany