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UZH at Zurich Pride Festival

UZH On Site at Zurich Pride Festival for the First Time

rainbow visua luzh

The University of Zurich will be on site with other universities at Zurich Pride Festival on 17 and 18 June 2022 with a stall on the Kaserne area in Zurich. It is the first time the Swiss higher education sector will be represented at the largest queer event in Switzerland.

This year’s Zurich Pride will be focused on trans people and celebrating diversity (“trans – Vielfalt leben”).

All queer-friendly people are welcome regardless of their gender identity or sexual orientation.

Pride Weeks 6 to 19 June 2022

motto visual pride 2022

Starting on 6 June, various events will take place during two weeks. The main event will be Pride March on Saturday, 18 June 2022.





Join Pride March with PolyUniQue


Pride Prep! on 17 June

If you want to join others in preparing for Pride March on 18 June, PolyUniQue, the organization for LGBTQIA+ people at Zurich’s higher education institutions, is offering a Pride Prep event on 17 June.

Join Others at Pride March

On 18 June, PolyUniQue will organize a meeting point where people can get together to join Pride March.

Alexander Schärer
