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Equality, Diversity, Inclusion

ERC Grants: career success stories (4 March 2021)

Online panel discussions with professors from UZH

Female professors from the University of Zurich will share their experiences with the ERC Starting and Consolidator Grants and will answer questions from the audience.

Two UZH professors, ERC Panel members, will join the panel discussions and give advice on how to prepare successful ERC applications.

Invited guests

Prof. Marlis Buchmann, Department of Sociology

ERC-2020-StG Panel: The Social World, Diversity, Population (SH3)

Prof. Judith Burkart, Department and Museum of Anthropology

ERC Consolidator Grant 2020, Engineering Interdependence: A Window into the Evolution of the Human Mind

Prof. Nicole Joller, Institute of Experimental Immunology

ERC Starting Grant 2015, How Infection History Shapes the Immune System: Pathogen-induced Changes in Regulatory T Cells

Prof. Florian Schiestl, Institute of Systematic Botany

ERC-2020-StG Panel: Evolutionary, Population and Environmental Biology (LS8)


4 March 2021, 9:00-10:30

Registration is closed

Mihaela Falub, Alexander Schärer


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